Nigeria Tech
A Quick Rundown of What Happened At the Apple iPhone 6 Unveiling Event
So finally, Apple's event took place at the Flint Center in Cupertino California today September 9th 2014 with lots of excitement and razzmatazz. Nothing can really describe how great it was to see the devices Apple unveiled today. Even though a lot of people already knew what the iPhone 6 and 6 plus looked like, there was somethings about the said phones that were not known that was exposed to the world today; including the amazing Apple Watch which is gonna kill other smartwatch that had been released before now. Below, we give you a rundown of all that took place at the Flint Center.
At around 11:55am guests and press were already settled in their sits and stands for the event and by 12:05pm, Tim Cook walked to the stage with his blue T-shirt and a blue jeans and started giving us the history of how Steve Jobs introduced the Macintosh at the Flint Center 30yrs ago and how the iMac was introduced in 1998 at the same venue.Fast forward to 30 years later, Apple is launching a totally new product known as Apple Watch alongside the new iPhone 6 and 6 plus - today, we were wowed completely by Apple Inc. 
Tim announced Cook took the wraps off the iPhone 6 and said "Today we are pleased to announce the biggest advancement in iPhone"introducing the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus Apple smartphones. This was followed by roar from the press and guests in the auditorium. The excitement from the crowd was huge.
The iPhone 6 is made with an Aluminum body with a continuous seamless design with the cover glass curving around the sides to meet the anodized aluminum enclosure.
The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus have a retina HD display with the 4.7 inch iPhone 6 having a 1334 x 750 resolution and the iPhone 6 plus having 1920 x 1080 resolution.
Phill Schiller says the iPhone 6 is the thinnest iPhones ever made as seen from the image below.
Also, the iPhone home screen can now rotate to a landscape mode. The landscape mode helps to see things better. This is really awesome which obviously generated same roar from the audience.
The iPhone 6 is not just all beauty, but also performance and according to Phill, the new iPhone 6 processor, A8 with 2.GHz speed is 50x faster than the original iPhone and the graphics is 84x faster than the original iPhone.
The iPhone 6 has 8.0MP camera and shoots beautiful pictures especially with the aid of a f/2.2 aperture and an all new sensor with powerful focus pixel technology previously found only in professional DSLR cameras. More on the iPhone 6 features and specifications can be found here.
One more thing...Apple unveiled the Apple Pay which is a very fast, efficient and seamless way of paying for items and making financial transactions. This is something that Apple has been working on and together with the NFC chip in the iPhone 6, Apple Pay is going to be an excellent solution to making the iPhone a mobile credit card that is truly secure.
The iPhone 6 can be pre-ordered from September 12th 2014 and the price is as shown below.
By 1:00pm Tim Cook took to the stage to introduce the Apple Watch - a masterpiece. This was the best time of the event, the hallmark of the event. The Apple Watch is the game killer, the holy grail of smartwatch and Apple with the help of Jony Ive develop not just a smartwatch but a perfect and elegant wrist companion.
The Apple Watch which is the official name for the iWatch is an extremely precise and customizable timepiece. Very elegant and useful accessory that for the first time seemed like something made from heaven.
From the physical beauty to the internals and functions, the Apple watch is something that must be owned. It has a "crown" which basically function like a home button. With the crown you can zoom in and out, make selections and interact with the smartwatch.
With the Apple Watch, you can send notifications, emojis, get peoples' attention, get directions, make sketches with your finger and send, reply to messages, speed dial, make phone calls, start a conversation with Siri and do a whole lot more.
The Apple Watch as a flexible retina display with the sapphire glass as the screen. The Watch can detect pulse rate with the aid of photo sensors. In fat, the only person that can tell you about the Apple Watch in a grand way is Jony Ive.
The Apple Watch face is highly customizable and comes in different colors. Also, the straps can be replaced with other colors.
The Apple Watch and the health app on iOS 8 are one and makes monitoring health very fun and easy. The Apple Watch which is only compatible with iPhone 5, 5C, 5S, 6 and 6 plus won't be available until 2015 and will retail for $349 and will come in 3 different types (Apple Watch. Edition, and Sport.
By 1:50pm, Tim Cook invited U2 to the stage and they performed a single song from their newest album. This album which was released on the stage is now available for free to all with an Apple account till the middle of October.
At 2:01pm Tim Cook returned to the stage, thanked everyone and brought the event to a close.
The Apple event on September 9th 2014 was a great one and the announcements and unveiling is one of the bests we've seen in a long time.
We shall be giving you the rundown specs of the Apple Watch in our next blog post.
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