Nigeria Tech
SHSH blobs from Cydia Doesn't Allow Downgrade on iOS 6
iOS downgrade |
Just recently, Apple released iOS 6.1.3 and many people that loved their jailbroken devices blindly updated only to find out that it is impossible to jailbreak iOS 6.1.3.Desperately, many of sort to downgrade back to 6.1.2 or lower for those with iPhone 3GS & 4 only to end up with a device in soft DFU loop; that is device refuses to boot up.
Across various forums and discussion sites, this problem have been reported by those that tried downgrading using SHSH blobs saved on Cydia servers. Those that downgraded using blobs saved with iFaith and TinyUmbrella hardly experience this problem. This problem received little answer as to why it happens.
Well, Saurik, the guy behind Cydia offered some insights as to why this problem occur. This you can find here for better understanding.
In summary, what he is saying is that Apple have implemented a kind of mechanism that only allow the restoration to most recent firmwares, more like most recent and two others before it. Also, all of the APTickets Cydia itself requested from Apple for iOS 6 are useless coupled with incomplete shsh blobs. Thus it causes problems for those that try to restore to a earlier iOS using blobs from Cydia.
What is important is that for now, you should always save SHSH blobs locally as soon as you upgrade to a new firmware when it is still been signed.
Although, it has become visible that newer devices won't be downgrade-able but for those still using the iPhone 3GS and 4, it is advised that you always save blobs locally by using tools like TinyUmbrella and iFaith.
We hope that, this cat and mouse thing going between Apple and users will end one day with the victory at the users side.
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Nigeria Tech