Nigeria Tech
Download iFaith 1.5.1 As iOS6.1 Untethered Jailbreak Tool is 97% Complete
As we eagerly wait for the Evasi0n jailbreak tool which is 97% complete to be released by the Evad3rs team, iH8sn0w has launched iFaith v1.5.1 with important updates today.
For those that don't know what iFaith does, iFaith is an application that helps you save all the SHSH blobs of your device iOS at any moment in time so that you will be able to restore or downgrade your OS to an earlier version that Apple is no longer signing just like what TinyUmbrella does for you.
Evasi0n |
Although, TinyUmbrella fetches the SHSH blobs from Apple's server, iFaith extracts the SHSH blobs directly from your device.
iFaith has other features much like Redsn0w, in fact, its a combination of TinyUmbrella and Redsn0w but without the option to jailbreak and do some Redsn0w stuffs.
iFaith 1.5.1 |
iFaith 1.5.1 comes packed in with important bug fixes and performance upgrades. and also include support for new firmwares.
A small list of the major improvements amongst other improvements include:
- Major code improvements
- Crazy payload rewrite
- Fetch beta blobs when new betas are pushed out
- Ability to dump iOS 5.1.x/6.1 on the iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3 and A4 devices
- 3.x.x IPSW creation for iPod touch 2G users
iFaith v1.5.1 is available for download here
Evasi0n tool will be available here for download
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Download Evasi0n To Jailbreak Untethered
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Nigeria Tech